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6 Essential Supplements For Summer

Summer is here, and while it's a season full of fun and adventure, it also brings unique challenges like changes in schedules, more travel, and extra outdoor activities. With all this excitement, it's important to keep up with your nutrition to stay energized and healthy. Read on to learn about the best supplements and vitamins to support your nutrition and wellness this summer! Vitamin A Vitamin A is a powerhouse nutrient that supports your vision, immune system, and skin health. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that supports various bodily functions, including vision, immune system function, healthy cell growth, and reproductive health. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause oxidative stress and skin damage, but Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant,...

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Embracing Women's Wisdom: An Herbal Journey Through History

As we enter Women's History Month, our hearts are bursting with appreciation for all of the women who, from ancient times to the present, have played a vital role in nurturing health and wellness for themselves, their families, and their communities. Today's contemporary herbalism is built upon generations of practical and anecdotal wisdom combined with modern-day studies, global access to plants in many forms, and shared cultural and traditional wisdom. Throughout history, women have largely acted as stewards of this ancestral knowledge.  Modern American Herbalism is a diverse tapestry, intricately woven together by the histories and traditions of all those who have come to live on this land. As women cared for their families and communities, they exchanged plants, culture, and knowledge. While these ancestral keepers of herbal wisdom engaged in sharing seeds and...

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Achieving Radiant Skin Naturally: Holistic Acne Treatment

Most alternative medicine practitioners believe that skin is a reflection of one's overall health, and as a holistic health consultant, I have generally found this to be true. While there may be other contributing factors such as genetics, changing hormone levels, lack of sleep and stress, most cases of acne (especially in teenagers and young adults) can be controlled with proper diet and supplementation. Read on to discover which nutrients and lifestyle adjustments will transform your complexion into a radiant canvas that glows from within.  Dietary ChangesWe've all heard the saying "you are what you eat", and when you're trying to improve your skin health, dietary changes can make a difference. When high-glycemic index foods are eliminated from the diet, the impact on skin health is significant and swift. The link between dairy...

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Preparing for Spring: Tips to Avoid Muscle Soreness

In the high desert of the intermountain west where we live, we've had a LOT of snow this spring. It's almost as if Mother Nature teases us with mild spells of warmth, only to destroy our hopes with a layer of snow the next day. I'll admit, I'm missing my beloved garden this time of the year, and when the temperature is eventually warm enough to get my fingers dirty, I will relish it.In the meantime, before temperatures truly heat up, its a good time to prepare you for the potential muscle aches and soreness from the overexertion that can come with using muscles you haven't used in a while. In springtime, I see a lot of people in my...

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Are you getting enough of this essential mineral?

If there’s one mineral you really need to get enough of, it’s MAGNESIUM. Magnesium is an essential mineral that's involved in over 300 chemical reactions in the body. It’s estimated that nearly 90% of Americans are deficient in this vital mineral that plays an essential role in the health of our bones, muscles, nerves, and many other body systems. Our bodies don’t store it very well, which means we need to get some regularly from our diet or supplement to make sure we’re getting enough of this life-sustaining mineral every day.  What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?  Magnesium deficiency manifests differently in everyone, however, the most common symptoms include:  anxiety depression headaches irregular heartbeat rising blood pressure fatigue insomnia...

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